
Work for People

Serving Humanity

Specially women and children

CISD - Center For Integrated Social Development

CISD, a non-governmental, non profit making and non political development organization has been implementing multifarious socio-economic development activities since 1995 to escape the marginalized from extreme poverty and distressed situation. The organization has the legal recognition from the relevant agencies of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh like Department of Social Welfare and NGO Affairs Bureau to function in the country. CISD has the legal authority to receive foreign donation for putting into operation its organizational mandate.

Since the inception of the organization, it has been enthusiastically devoted to reduce the inequalities and food insecurity of the extremely poverty stricken and socio-economically excluded population of the society; especially women, adolescent girls, children and young folk of the marginalized families which is contributing to the ongoing efforts of the government of Bangladesh to achieve the national target of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG). The major areas of deliverables of CISD for the betterment of its targeted communities are sanitation, hygiene education and safe drinking water supply; non formal education; food security; health, nutrition and HIV/AIDS; disability development; enterprise development; rural housing; food security; climate change and agriculture.

Our Programs

Our Programs

CISD - Center For Integrated Social Development

